Essential Fortnite Battle Royale Beginner’s Tips

At the moment, Fortnite is one of the best video games. However, getting started can be quite tricky and a little intimidating. That is because you are likely to have experienced players, and there is a need to learn quickly. It is a good idea to find the right player tracker for Fortnite to know your performances and stats. Here is our advice for absolute beginners.

Find a Wingman

children gamingYou should note that Battle Royale is available in different flavors. For instance, you can play in a squad that puts four players on a team. Also, you can play as a duo team or as a solo player. The game does not change with the team size, but your strategy needs to change, for example, when playing as a team, once you lose your health, you will remain injured for a limited time as your teammates try to revive you. On the solo mode, when you are down, you are out for good. It is advisable to stay close to experienced players as you can learn where resources and weapons are located.

Choose Right Control Setup

As you know, Fortnite is available on different platforms. Therefore, console players can compete against PC users. This results in some disadvantages for players using console. That is because PC players can use a keyboard and mouse to aim faster and accurately as compared to those using the control pad. Ensure you consider your control layout options. Whenever you are engaging in a shootout, you should build walls around yourself and create your cover.

Learn to Build Quickly

technology controllerOne of the effective strategies is building fortifications quite quickly. When you speak with Fortnite players, it is quite clear that the player’s strength is not about accuracy, but how quickly you can build. For instance, when you throw downstairs and walls, you get the advantage of staying in a high ground. Also, building a tiny and quick fort can help you figure out where you should shoot from. Remember that building takes a lot of time to master and it is something you may end up struggling with.

Choose Appropriate Weapons

When playing, you are allowed to have a maximum of 5 different items. Therefore, deciding the item or weapon to use can get quite tricky. Fortunately, items and weapons are divided into different levels of potency and rarity. It is always a good idea to exchange a lower tier weapon for the higher tier one. Another thing to consider about weapons is the scope.…