The coronavirus pandemic has significantly changed the majority of our activities and how we conduct ourselves. The safety measures in place are also making it hard for people to interact and enjoy themselves as previously. However, the crisis has made many people look for alternate sources of entertainment. Several podcast shows cover diverse areas. For instance, the Small Town Dicks podcast focuses on the subject of true crime. With movement and meetings being limited, podcasts are now binge-worthy shows with a myriad of discussions from different hosts. To ensure that you get a podcast show worth your time, here are some ideas you should consider.

Genre and Streaming Options

Firstly, it’s crucial to note that not all streaming platforms offer global access. Some websites have geo-restrictions, which makes them hard to access. If you want to access these platforms, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. Virtual private networks are the best tool to assist in accessing geo-restricted domains. Once you identify your desired streaming site, specify your preferred genre. Several topics and genres are selected, making it easy to find something that suits your taste.


How long or short do you prefer the discussions? Unless you are very interested in listening to a particular subject, it is hard to commit to long conversations. On average, podcast shows last for about thirty minutes, while others can run for hours. Additionally, if you’re using mobile data, consider short conversations to avoid using all your data.

Language and Quality

The best podcast stations are likely to offer their episodes in various languages to engage a bigger listening audience. The quality of the audio is one of the essential things to note. Listening to a podcast show with low audio standards is a turn-off. Quality standards are one of the many factors that affect audience retention and attraction. Look for a podcast channel with high-quality audio for a better experience.
studio mic


Currently, many people are used to the idea of visual content. This factor is one of the main reasons people consider choosing shows that offer their shows in audio and visual formats. Nonetheless, it crucial to understand that visual content will use up more data than audio. If you are interested in podcast shows that do product reviews, consider shows that provide visuals.

Podcasts have recently gained fame with influential people like Michelle Obama having their shows and attracting millions of listeners.