Making music beats is never as easy as it seems, especially when you are new. When you are a beginner, the whole process might seem like a nightmare. However, once you understand the basics, then creating unique beats becomes easier regardless of the style.

Well, we have put together tips to help you create the perfect beats. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned producers, the following tips will help simplify the entire process. Let’s get started making those amazing music beats you want.

Practice Your Technique

You have probably heard of the common saying – Practice makes perfect. Creating beats is no exception to this golden rule. You need to start by dedicating at least one hour a day to creating beats if you want to be successful.

Within six months, you will be better than how you started. Understand that nothing comes without sacrifice, and you need to put in the work. Beginners tend to make the mistake of dropping pre-made loops rather than working on creating original material.

making music

Find a Unique Influence

Finding an influencer who you admire and relate with can help you create the perfect beats. Since you are working on developing your unique voice, you need to get inspiration from a seasoned producer.

Study how that composer, musician, vocalist, or producer creates their unique sound that you love. It will help if you start emulating what they are doing differently from the rest of the creators. Studying notable Influencers will help you get a fresh perspective whenever you create new beats.

Learn an Instrument

To create memorable beats, you need to become proficient in playing at least one instrument. Do not concentrate on learning about the programming samples alone, but rather the basics involved.

Learning about the different instruments will help you create the perfect beat. An excellent place to start is the drums. You have probably noticed that drums are an integral part of all different types of music beats.

Don’t Worry About Effects

When creating beats on a computer, you will notice that there are so many different effects that you could use. Although these effects can help you enhance your music beats, please don’t focus on them.

Understand that effects are intended to help put everything together during the mixing stage. You will only need the different effects once you get a solid beat that sounds great. Do not, therefore, get wrapped up using the effects during the mixing stage. Focus your energy on creating the perfect music beat, and the effects will fall in place.

making music beats

Start With Simple Patterns When Creating the Basslines

You have realized by now that basslines are quite challenging to create. What you may not notice is that these baselines make a considerable difference in the result. You will need to create a nice-sounding bass for your beat.

Watch different reviews and tutorials to help you create basslines with simple patterns. You can get to more sophisticated patterns once you master the basics. The great news is that there are so many free online sources that offer help with bassline creation.


Creating beats can be a difficult task, as stated earlier. You will need a lot of patience and determination to make a perfect music beat. The most important fact, however, is to create your style. Understand that you have to lead, and not follow, if you want to make memorable beats.