The number of people playing paintball has been rising steadily. And this is because more and more people are beginning to know about this fun game. If you have also heard about paintball and will like to play, then you should know that having the best gear and the best speedball guns can help enhance your gaming experience. For newbies, buying the right gun is usually a challenge, and many get stuck between saving some bucks and purchasing the latest gun.

To break it down for you a little bit, as a newbie, you do not need a piece of expensive high-end equipment for you to start playing. You can start with the regular budget-friendly paintball gun and upgrade as you learn more about the game. Written below are tips on how newbies can find and what they need to consider when purchasing a paintball gun for the first time.

The Internet

paintball gunTo make your search for the first Paintball gun easy and quick, you should start with the internet. No time in the history of the universe has it been easy for anyone to find information like it is today. Currently, all you need to find anything on the planet is a phone or a laptop and an internet connection. A quick search online and you will get to see all the paintball guns that are available for your selection.
Now that you have known how to find these play guns easily, the next important point is the factors you need to consider to get the best.


As you may have already realized form your online search for paintball play guns, different guns have different features. But one of the most crucial feature to consider is the power source. You can find paintball guns that use compressed CO2 or high-pressure gas. However, currently, there are automatic and semi-automatic paintball guns that are electrically powered.


playing paintballAre you going to play the game in your backyard, or you are going to play at commercial paintball locations. Knowing where you are going to play can significantly determine the choice of gun you will buy. For those who are going to play in a commercial paintball arena, purchasing a weapon that uses CO2or high-pressure air is the way to go. But if you will be playing at home, then you should probably consider an electronic one.


Once you have your gun, you should not forget to maintain it. Use the recommended power source and make sure you regularly clean and check your weapon to make it serve you for better and for longer.